The Producers

The Producers

This zany Mel Brooks Musical is not for the faint of heart. Skewering lots of show biz sacred cows, laced with politically incorrect humor. Chorus girls, cops and storm troopers all join in the fun, not to mention pigeons who “Heil Hitler!” It’s all about silly fun and crazy schemes that take the audience on a comedy journey.

Featuring: Stephen Scott, Larry Harada, Amy Lucido, Michael O’Brien, Peter Del Fiorentino, Daniel Morgan, Anthony Lucido, Brandi Guisto, Erika Rahmgren, Dianne Reardon, Fernando Ochoa, Lucas Brandt, Ryan T. Smith, Vicki Zabarte, Torilynn McBride, Monica Minix, Art Reardon, Michelle Demshok, Connor Miller, Bobby Scofield and Phaedra Tillery

Director: Janet O’Brien; Musical Director: Sierra Dee; Choreographer: Anjee Norgaard


2011-06-24 20:00:00, 2011-06-24 22:00:00


The Producers

Pinole Community Playhouse
601 Tennent Avenue

United States

20 General, for seniors (62+) and students

Source: Eventful

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