by – cukuskumir
Easy steps to become Justin Bieber Fan
Do you adoreJustin Bieber and wish to be a fan? It actually isn’t that hard to accomplish. Follow these easy steps and you’ll be a Justin Bieber fan with almost no effort. Recreate those steps for success!
Get your basic Justin Bieber facts straight.
Look them up on websites such as wikipedia to learn about his birthplace, about his parents, what is favourite dish is, etc. You cannnot be his fan if you don’t know something about him. The more you learn about Justin Bieber, the greater fan you’ll be, so look up on your facts about him.
Start listening to Justin’s music.
Listen to all his tracks, and scoop for new ones that have just leaked to the public. Up to this very moment, Justin Bieber has released over 25 songs! Look up the songs on YouTube and dowload those that you like on iTunes or Amazon. You may also consider buying a few of his CDs.
Go see his movie. Justin recently starred in “Never Say Never”, which is a 3D movie about time when he was young, rise to fame, and his life right now. Ask your friends who are Justin Bieber fans to go see it with you, that way you will be one step farther to accomplish your plan
Read some literature.
Go to yourfavorite library or bookstore and buy/take out Justin Bieber’s bio, “First Step 2 Forever”. Read it and learn it, and then read your favourite chapters with those friends who are iterested.
Immense yourself with Justin Bieber.
Read magazines with posters of him and put his posters on your walls, not only in your own room. Learn his dance moves. Justin Bieber is an amazing dancer, so there is no better way be his fan than to learn some of his dance routines. If you are brave enough you could even make a video of you learning to dance like the Bieber.
Try to stay inside the loop. Read news about Justin Bieber and update yourself on the latest Bieber gossip. Become a member of Justin Bieber fansites and get in touch with other Bieberlovers. Talk about him a lot with your friends. Meet often with your friends and talk about Justin. Do you like his new album? What’s your favourite Justin Bieber show? This is essencial, so stay social and maintain contact with your pals. Go to his gigs! Every good fan of justin Bieber should be frequent spectator of his concerts. This will give you direct Justin Bieber experience. Don’t forget to bring your camera – you never know if Justin Bieber will agree on a photo session only with you.

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