Sir Alec Guinness

Sir Alec Guinness

Alec Guinness Pic:

Alec Guinness
Alec Guinness Photo: by Burns Library, Boston College
Sir Alec Guiness (1914 – 2000), of Obi-Wan Kenobi fame and also Bridge on the River Kwai and Lawrence of Arabia, was connected to Father Sweeney through the network of figures including T. S. Eliot and celebrated historian Christopher Dawson, for whom Boston College organized birthday celebrations on 8 November 1959. The following day, Guiness, a convert to Catholicism, gave a reading to the Humanities Series entitled "Readings of Christian Verse and Prose".

Photograph of actor Sir Alec Guinness following his dramatic reading at Boston College, along with W. V. E. Casey, SJ, and M. Walsh, SJ, Box 61, Folder 55, Francis W. Sweeney, SJ, Humanities Series Director’s Records, MS2002-37, John J. Burns Library, Boston College.

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